SS03:Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems(ISICA 2017 Special Session)
After almost forty years of development, fuzzy systems have demonstrated their superb ability to solve different problems arising in various application domains. In the last two decades, the cooperative framework established made the research interest move to augment fuzzy systems with learning and adaptation capabilities. Since the first pioneer works dated back to 1991, one of the most successful approaches to hybridize fuzzy systems with learning and adaptation methods, apart of course from fuzzy neural networks, has resulted in so-called Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems. These hybrid computational intelligence techniques augment the approximate reasoning method of fuzzy systems with the learning capabilities of evolutionary algorithms.
The aim of the session is to provide a forum to disseminate and discuss recent and significant research efforts on Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems in order to deal with current challenges on this topic. The session is therefore open to any high quality submission from researchers working at the particular intersection of evolutionary algorithms and fuzzy systems called Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems. Potential authors for this Special Session should present original research and innovative results including (but not limited to) the following topics:
- Evolutionary Learning/Tuning of Fuzzy Rule-Based Systems
- Evolutionary Selection of Fuzzy Rules
- Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems and the Interpretability-Accuracy Trade-off
- Multi-objective Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems
- Evolutionary Fuzzy Neural Networks
- Evolutionary Fuzzy Clustering
- Swarm Intelligence for Fuzzy Systems Design
- Applications of Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems
Han Huang
South China University of Technology, China,